
Sunday, September 10, 2017

What if the Man Behind the Curtain Looks Just Like Me?


Well howdy-do! That’s a jolt.  What? Me? Nooooo?  But wait. Isn’t there something that I am responsible for here?  Why do we feel a need to put a BIG SCARY “GOD-LIKE” MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN?  A “demi-god” who only wants to whip up hysteria and keep us paranoid and in fear so that we overlook our own GOOD and evil powers?  Isn’t it just avoidance of our own powers and denial of our own responsibilities?  Why do we feel we need to turn over our powers to something outside of our ownselves?  Why must something man-like be in control of everything?  Why can’t we just find a BALANCE between surrendering to powers larger to our selves and trying to control everything? These projections of our power and responsibility miss the point of what we can do to change dynamics around us; they muddy up the waters of where actions can be taken and cause excessive turbulence and disturbances that are like “trying to push the river” or being Sisyphus perpetually behind the impossible task.  Why not step out from the projection room, step out from behind that rock that SHOULDN’T be pushed up hill and FLOW with the river?  Why not understand that there are forces (Divine, God, Source, Cosmic or what ever name you wish to call it) that are outside of man’s control and surrender with LOVING acceptance?  Why not understand that man has taken on way too much hubris, playing god with the toys that are way beyond their moral ability to handle properly (they are engaged in fears and not love)?  Why not understand that we as individuals have tremendous powers to step out from behind the Sisyphean rock and find another more empowered and fruitful mission aligned in LOVE (not fears or hate).  Let’s look in our own hearts for the “evil”.  What evils you say?  Well things you probably hardly even register as “evil” when there are such scary monsters (you fill in the blank on that one!) out there.  Subtle things that each of us are guilty of at varying degrees which include negative thoughts, fears of lack (which creates hoarding and greed), fears of inadequacy (which project as power-tripping), and anything not vibrating with kindness and authenticity.  We are empowered beings that have great potential for good.  Everything that man has made has potential for some good and many of the things made by made can be used for evil.  It ALL is a balancing act and a willingness to take responsibility for our own powers and own actions.  

But then isn't my effort to challenge this tide of hysteria a 'Pushing the River' and a Sisyphean task? Maybe there is more work I need to do to uncover my own projections..... Pondering this myself.

by Angie Bray-Widner
September 10, 2017

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