
Sunday, October 28, 2018

Moon in Cancer - Watery Reflections Within



By Angela Blissbridge

Cancer Moon asks us to go within to reflect on the bounty of our harvest to meet our Inner Child (a fruit of our recent labors); she wants us to slow down to cleanse and nurture of the treasured new seeds (and Inner Child) of self-empowerment from the fruits of our labors. Intuition, receiving and emotions reflect brightly the clarity of our waters (the truth of self-worth). Are you lovingly tending the harvest to protect and store those gifts to plant in the next cycle? Karmic shifts are at play to regain and attend to our growing empowered inner light. 

This afternoon the Moon will be below the horizon in Arizona as it withdraws into its Cancer shell (4:27pm MST October 28).  Emotional reflective processing is very strong with this Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer water heavy transit; it is intensifying very personal investigations into soul-healing solutions for how to make our life work with the our newly empowered self-worth in all forms of relationship (the seeds of the harvest we’ve been working on in this moon cycle). We are finishing the 3rdquarter of this moon cycle (moving from Waning Gibbous today to Last Quarter Wednesday); that means we are continuing reclamation work that started of this Venus Retrograde driven New Moon on October 8th; as noted in the Taurus Moon(Full Moon) blossoming, we began seeing the fruit of that labor; the approaching Last Quarter moon requires completion of the harvest (Moon in Gemini) and composting outworn attachments.  Several key planets (not the least of which, Venus) have been retrograde during this cycle dredging our depths to break old cycles of sabotaging self-diminishment (that is karmically amplified by the grand cross noted in the Gemini Moonblog).  Today (at 5:51pm MST), Mercury retrograde shadow begins (near the position show in the chart) in Scorpio casting its own mind-bending twist to this watery analysis; he enters cheery opportunistic Sagittarius by Halloween (Wednesday) and goes retrograde there by the 1stquarter moon of the next moon cycle (November 16 at 13-SAG).  He will enliven our work and bring hope with creative and innovative solutions for harvesting this moon-cycles’ seeds for their best vigor. As with any Mercury Retrograde, and especially with the pronounced retrograde energies of other planets, we must surrender our controlling mind and egoic desires to gain access to the magical and deeper Truth of ourselves and the Universe; we must have faith in the receptive nature of this releasing process while we turn our attention to the loving, nurturing and cleansing needed for THIS harvest; be in the moment with gratitude to enrich the bounty of this harvest.  Control, fear and worry lies thick in the depths of this watery transit ready to pull you under.  Meditate, talk-therapy and realistic analysis of your issues is great; but dwelling on old injustice and expecting particular results at the next cycle will drown you and bring moldy destruction to your crop.

Today the Moon’s opposition to the the realigning-leader-Father Saturn in Capricorn; we’ll have to balance our personal needs with the maturation pressures to bring the new seeds from this harvest into the next cycle. His demands to get-over the emotional reclamation work and move on to the next cycle is a hurried effort that will cause you to miss moldy attachments to the harvest’s yield. Use Saturn careful, practical and measured pressure to realign you to your deepest authority and ability to ground the work into practical steps (based on your Inner Truths guide your self-worth empowerment – the Moon is also trine Venus and the Sun requiring Saturn to ease on his containment deadline and harsh judgements).  Gain mastery of how to make life work through accessing both the Moon’s careful attention to the needs of the emotional processing and Saturn’s boundaries of knowing when you’ve stewed on the issues too long.  By Monday the Moon opposes Pluto, doubling down on the depths of the realignment and emotional balancing. As it approaches the ingress to Leo on Tuesday (7:42pm MST), it will join the karmic grand cross with Venus, the Moon, Uranus and the nodes ALL at 00º fixed signs; the intensity to break outworn self-sabotaging patterns can store seeds of new paradigm elevated empowerment; it is ground-shaking vibrational shifts in consciousness (or other aspects of our lives and world) that requires heart-centered loving connections to proper use of our personal powers and resources.  

Are you reflecting on how best to nurture the seeds of your reclaimed treasures and cleanse the remaining rotten attachments? Are you carefully storing and protecting those gifts?  Are you turning off your monkey-mind to allow a surrendering of your will to receive the reflections clarity of the Moon in Cancer? Are you taking the time for self-care with warmth and safe retreats from the hard labors of the harvest? Are you prepared to take the new seeds to heart feed by your mothering embrace of your inner child’s truth that revealed with your self-empowerment?

Healing options:  Take salt water baths; close the door to demands that push you to fast through your emotional process.  When the Moon is in Cancer (and particularly this Scorpio-oriented transit), it is an excellent time to do psycho-therapeutic work with a profession and/or astrological consultation with get an astrological reading by Angela.  Be gentle and mother to yourself, including eating good meals (if you cook even better) and restful sleep. Don’t be in a rush to do anything and if you must be open to unexpected changes that you roll with (surrender to the wisdom of the moment’s opportunities).  Worries may be high and need to be carefully parsed for the reality of the situation to determine what can be done at THIS MOMENT and surrendering to time to bring a solution.  

Dark Night Skies as the Moon Travels by Day
Here in the United States, the Moon will travel by day, the moon is rising later (9-11pm MST) leaving her up by sunrise. This morning we could view the Moon at 120º from the Sun (a trine) and by Tuesday’s sunrise she’ll be at 90º (square) near the midheaven.  

We can explore all these energies as they affect you personally in a consultation reading with Angela Blissbridge. START YOUR JOURNEY TODAY

With all the blessings of my heart, may this facilitate CONNECTING THE DOTS TO A THRIVING YOU!  So Be It!

Angela Blissbridge is an Evolutionary Astrologer and healing facilitator.  See more about her at

#astrology #mooncycle #selfawareness #wellbeing #lifetips #zodiac #horoscopes #cosmicweather #growth #transformation #thrive  #waninggibbous #mooncancer #cancer #venusretrograde #scorpio #quincunx  #resurrecting #empowerment #selfworth #relationships #venus #retrograde #grandcross

Friday, October 26, 2018

Moon in Gemini - Harvest After the Storm - Connecting the Dots Report - 2018-Oct-26



By Angela Blissbridge

Alana Fairchild's Sacred Rebel Oracle - After the Storm 
Gemini Moon connects us to the workings of our mind to gain clarity on what to do with the fruits of this past week’s self-worth reconstruction in drenching Storms. Taurus Moon brought us into the gardens to appreciate the blossoming of our planted seeds with the Full Moon. Now the Waning Gibbous Moon Gemini gives us the dexterity of working hands and sharpness of mind to harvest what Venus retrograde with the Sun in Scorpio have revealed; that focused mentality ‘separates the wheat from the chaff’ gathering seeds from the fruits of our recent labors and composting the deadfall. With strong deep and stirring waters still washing away our old misaligned wounds we are being shaken from our fixed attitudes and patterns to find a new ‘Vibrational Alignment’ (@amethystsattva).  Let the aftermath of the Storms purify the Air that the Moon in Gemini brings to the equation.  Thunder may be shaking loose the remainder of the Chaff to get to the new seed.  How is your harvest after the storm?

Just after sunrise in Arizona Friday October 26 (7:16am MST), Venus and the Sun were exactly conjunct casting a beautiful shadow of the earth to the West where the Moon contemplated setting (see my photo from my house at 6:46am MST).
We had a few more hours to bask in the sweetness of the Taurus Moon, appreciating the fading blossom of the flower that yields its fruit and future seeds (our reclaimed self-worth and power).  As the Moon enters Gemini at 12:41pm MST today, our minds are focusing on the upcoming harvest from that bounty's seeding.  The reclamation work continues with more mindfulness and awareness with the light of this Air and Mental moon.  That work is deep in the waters of Scorpio with Mercury (ruling Gemini), the Sun, Venus and Jupiter; this powerhouse combo has been dredging our shadows of self-diminishment to find our treasures of self-worth and personal power.  This watery emotional journey feels at times overwhelming and yet richly tapped into the infinite power of our inner Truth with Neptune, Chiron and the healer Hygiea in Pisces (it is like the Kundalini rising – see the King of Adders).  
We are healing our deepest wounds around our personal power in this cleansing process from the Storms we have weathered.  The dexterous problem-solving Gemini Moon needs too seeks ways to put the results to work; it is finding ways to reconnect and realign (Pluto ruling Scorpio in Capricorn with Saturn Capricorn very powerful in its own sign) the Storm-shaken (Mars and South Node in Aquarius) blossom to get to the higher vibrational seeds (Aquarius, especially Mars for new cycles). Since the Sun entered Scorpio on Wednesday, we have been in and will continue for several more days to experience a strong karmic fixed grand cross of Venus with the Sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus (ruled by that Venus) squaring the nodes (with Lilith and Selena near that karmic axis); this has been the powerful Storm that has been sweeping through your self-sabotaging patterns requiring you to realign to a higher vibration, freed of toxic attachments. As with any storm, if we fight the wind and elements (the Truths) and cling to what holds us back (misalign self-worth and power-plays), we will be shocked, drowned or washed away.  The Moon in Gemini heralds fresh air to regather the shattered treasures After the Storms (Sacred Rebels Oracle – Alana Fairchild)[1]

Friday the mental chatter focus is working the puzzle to illuminate fresh ideas and solutions from early Gemini Moon quincunx the nearly conjunct Sun and Venus retrograde in Scorpio who are continuing to dredge up reclaimed personal power in money, relationships and use of our talents; that paradoxical mental chatter will ease as the moon moves further away from that angle Saturday morning (likely revealing innovate ways connect to that power with results).  By late Saturn the fullness of the Moon will give way to a Waning Gibbous; the edginess will take on more even more clarity (if not worry and anxiety) of honest self-reflection, as the moon comes into quincunx with Mercury (Gemini’s ruler) and Jupiter in Scorpio.  The problem-solving takes on a psychological analysis and search for ways to invest in this new empowerment; mental clarity and new perspectives are at hand to solve the puzzle of your harvest.  Sunday afternoon (4:17pm MST) the power MOTHER (Moon Cancer) lights up moving toward the last quarter phase and approaching opposition to the realigning-leader-Father Saturn in Capricorn; we’ll have to balance our personal needs with the maturation pressures to bring the new seeds from this harvest into the next cycle. Mercury's retrograde shadow will begin around 10:30pm Sunday night pushing us to get innovative and think outside-the-box about that that process. 

How are you gathering the intelligence from your psychological realignment work that has revealed your truth, self-worth and natural powers?  How is the harvest of your new seeds going? What ‘chaff’ needs to be removed from the ‘wheat’ of your fruitful efforts?  How can you resolve the puzzles this mentally charged moon is illuminating on how to connect the pieces of you left After the Storm?

Here’s a healing process I’ve tapped into from all these energies and my other oracles of today:  
I accept the gift of clarity to see my truth of value and rightfully aligned power.  I am grateful for the harvest of my deepest truths.  I release patterns that old me back.  I am empowered to embrace and appreciate my gifts (my body, talents and physical assets). I accept and put to work my skills and talents to meet Sources Seen and Unseen to connect me to peace, love, harmony and abundance.  Through unconditional love, So Be It!

Snapshot from the program 'Stellarium' - October 26, 2018

Navigating The Air of the Night Skies
Our night skies are shifting away from the highly populated viewable planet that we’ve been gifted to witness in the easily identifiable views of Scorpio, Libra and Virgo. As the dark long hours of the late fall wear on, we will begin to see the beautiful and distinct asterismof Taurus and Orion featured.  Friday, the sun sets around 6pm MST allowing a brief glimpse of Jupiter near to setting itself; Saturn will be about 35º ‘up’ and east of Jupiter and red Mars about 45º further ‘up’ and east.  By 8:00 pm MST (image above) the Moon will be near the nose the Taurus Bull (Aldebaran shines bright as the left of in the V-shaped asterism the constellation of Taurus). You ask, why is the Moon show in the Taurus position of the sky?  Procession of the equinoxes has shifted our view of the planets; many of us astrologers are away of that; the reason astrologically we say this Moon is in Gemini and not Taurus is to keep the annual Sun’s ingress into the equinox and solstice points consist; archetypically this continues to hold truth to how the planetary energies affect us (in our natal charts and in transits).  But this Moon in Gemini is trying to teach here; it is also doing a Gemini thing and losing the plot by giving too much information.  So…

Friday after 8pm MST, look up from the Moon to find my personal favorite asterism, the Seven Sisters of Pleiades (my on Gemini tendencies wants so badly to give more information but I’ll let Saturn contain me).  Saturday the Moon in the East-Southeast is above where Orion’s body is rising around 10:00pm MST.  Sunday will be covered in the next installment! As you connect with this Moon, Saturn and Mars in the night sky, think about on how they can help you identify the ‘wheat from the chaff’ as you work your harvest.  Mediation on these ideas would be good even though the Mental Moon may want to chatter at you!  

We can explore all these energies as they affect you personally in a consultation reading with Angela Blissbridge. START YOUR JOURNEY TODAY

With all the blessings of my heart, may this facilitate CONNECTING THE DOTS TO A THRIVING YOU!  So Be It!

Angela Blissbridge is an Evolutionary Astrologer and healing facilitator.  See more about her at

[1]Alana Fairchild has created a powerful set of oracle cards with her Sacred Rebelsis a beautifully illustrated by Autumn Skye Morrison.  Each reading is from my own hard-copy deck that is so cherished.  If you’re working on awakening that inner feminine that is wanting to march to say ‘no more’ then this deck is for you!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Moon in Taurus - Self-Nourishment Time Out Full Moon Flower - Connecting the Dots October 24-26 2018



Alana Fairchild's Kuan Yin Oracle #20
Sweet Taurus Moon brings us a chance to heal and fed our reclaimed empowerment revealed during the Watery dive in Piscesand Roar of the Tiger in Aries.  It is time to ground nurturing foundations revealed and tend to your garden’s gifts and remove the weeds.  Self-worth and self-care are high focus for the next couple days.  The Sun has just entered Scorpio with the Full Moon of Taurus earlier this Wednesday morning.  It is time to check the flowering blossom for sweet nectar from the deep transformative work you’ve been going through.  Receive the blessing of its healing Grace to continue releasing toxic patterns of devaluing yourself or others out of guilt, shame or power misuses.  This Moon in Taurus brings a revitalized connection to Universal peace, love, harmony and abundance.  

Wednesday morning in Arizona will have the Sun and Moon shifting into Scorpio and Taurus (4:22am and 7:33am MST), respectively, followed soon by their opposition for the Full Moon at 9:45am. It is the ‘test of the bloom’ on the seed we planted at the New Moon October 8threlated to relationships and balanced exchanges that empower our value and worth (New Moon Libra ruled by Venus Retrograde in Scorpio square Pluto in Capricorn). As the seed rooted, clearance of toxic growth and tapping nurturing soil was required to strengthen growth; the seedling had to break through and out of limiting containers to allow the Lotus of our Truth to blossom.  This was the deep watery reclamation work over the weekend with the Moon in Piscesand the standing strong to protect those roots with the Moon in Ariesearlier this week.  Now, as the Moon is in Taurus, we can bask in the glow of the Full Moon’s revelation of the Flower of our work.  The Full Moon is riding with Venus retrograde near the Sun; they join exactly (inferior conjunction) Friday at 7:16am MST hours before the Moon ingresses into Gemini. This meeting of Venus and The Sun in Scorpio with her retrograde continues the divestment of outworn patterns to yield the magnificent treasures of your deepest gifts.  Rightful connection to these energies brings us power to manifest through connection to Universal prosperity. If we failed to rightfully tend the soils and clung to old patterns of power misuse (the underworld of Scorpio), the garden will reveal a dry, shriveled flower unable to bring forth seeds for the future. 

Wildwood Tarot - Strengthening our Soils
Thursday and into Friday the Moon will oppose Jupiter and Mercury; this will be a chance to get to work with the results of the flowing and expand your horizons with the new-found powers.  It can also be a time to be introspective about your ways of communicating; it is an opportunity to clear away shadowy dealing practices that have been part of old patterns (either side of the fence).  It can be expanded uses of resources to make life work; this could be a good time to invest in your work to enrich the ‘soils’ and ‘foundations’.  Intimate relationships could find therapeutic connections by taking walks in nature and inventorying the value each other brings to the equation.  Friday the Moon ingresses into Gemini at 12:45pm trine the South Node of Aquarius opening the air waves for connecting to others of your tribe.  

How are you connecting to this transformative opportunity to dig through the shadowy parts of yourself to release old manipulative energies (as perpetrator or victim or both)? Are there weeds to tend?  Are there treasures that need nurturing in your garden, so the flowering of your blossom brings seed for the future? Draw on the special energy below of Kuan Yin to taste the Nectar of the Lotus bloom.

This Moon in Taurus resonates with Nectar of the Lotus #20 (Kuan Ying Oracle – Alana Fairchild). Balanced yourself with self-nurturing time out.  You need to take care of yourself to be of service to others.  The Divine Nector of Kuan Yin brings you ‘life-affirming energy (bliss, joy, peace and love).  If your well is full, it can replenish others; if it is tapped out by giving away all your essence, you have nothing to offer.  You must first feed your Soul.  Recognize that receiving through self-care (a very Taurus Moon energy) is vital. Strengthen your foundations and tend to your own garden.  The extra attention to you will bring Sweet Nectar from your Divine Lotus Blossom.  

Here’s my version of a healing process based on all the above cosmic and Kuan Yin energies (and connect to the night sky below to deepen this process): 
I am supported by sources seen and unseen that connect me with the Universal flow of thriving prosperity. I call upon Universal Grace to assist me to release patterns of devaluing myself; I release attachments that have diminished or drained my gifts through manipulations.  I am empowered to embrace and appreciate my gifts (my body, talents and physical assets); I nurture myself through loving Grace, so I may walk my path shining brightly with healthy pride that inspires others.  I am valuable and cherish tending my gifts.  Through unconditional love, So Be It!

Full Moon Rise - October 24, 2018 - 6:12pm MST
Tending Your Garden by the Night Skies
This summer has been a potent time to view several of our planets in the night sky at once; those days are waning.  Venus is now hidden by the light of the Sun who is ‘close’ to on her inferior conjunction (between the Sun and the Earth); we won’t see her until early November and only as a Morning Star until late next summer.  The Full Moon tonight (Wednesday October 24) will be about 10 hours old as it rises around 6:12pm MST.  It will be rising close to Uranus in Taurus (not visible without a high-power telescope AND blocked by the light of the moon). Stand facing South with your left hand pointing where the Moon is rising tonight.  You will near the at the top of the ecliptic path (under the “Capricornus’ label on the image above) is Mars in the middle degrees of Aquarius (red). You may be able to see Saturn in the early degrees of Capricorn high on the ecliptic to the right of Mars about 120 degrees to the right of the Moon (see a Trine in the Sky!).  Jupiter is on the verge of setting twinkling bright white just right of the red star Antares (both in Scorpio).  Mercury could be viewed potentially (not far from Jupiter) but it is quite small; Pluto in Capricorn is between Mars and Saturn but even with a telescope we can’t see it in our own ‘backyard’; just know it’s up there helping to dredge up and realign self-sabotaging energies talked about over the last couple of posts and rebuild the soils and foundations noted above.  Thursday and Friday’s skies will see the move shift further from the slower moving planets of Mars, Saturn and Jupiter while Jupiter will be earlier to set each night).    As you connect with these potent planets who are playing into the energies noted above, meditate on how they can break from old patterns so your foundations are aligned to Truth that nurtures the flowery gifts in your garden.

We can explore all these energies as they affect you personally in a reading and/or dream analysis with Angela Blissbridge. START YOUR JOURNEY TODAY

With all the blessings of my heart, may this facilitate CONNECTING THE DOTS TO A THRIVING YOU!  So Be It!

Angela Blissbridge is an Evolutionary Astrologer and healing facilitator.  See more about her at

#astrology #selfawareness #wellbeing #lifetips #zodiac #horoscopes #cosmicweather #growth #transformation #thrive   #fullmoon #Taurus moon  #Taurus #moon #connectwiththestars  #shamanicastrology #venusretrograde #scorpio #quincunx  #resurrecting #empowerment #selfworth #relationships #venus #retrograde

Monday, October 22, 2018

Moon in Aries Hear the Yellow Tiger Mother - Connecting the Dots 2018-10-22


Did you dive to your treasures over the weekend while the Moon was plumbing the depths in Pisces? Did it reveal your truths and jewels, so you can stand on dry ground roaring as you reclaim your autonomy today?  Feeling triggered as you Stand Your Ground for Your Self Worth, Relationships and Money Flow?  We open this week with the Moon in Aries and the end of the Sun in Libra.  New cycles of power in relationships are emotionally charged (still a bit water-logged but fired up with the Aries Moon). The full Moon Wednesday will help us see the flowering of the results of our deep work (in Taurus-Scorpio).  

At midnight last night in Arizona (MST) the Moon entered Aries (Oct 21, 2018 11:56pm MST) lighting our inner fire to break the cycle of attachment to what held us under water and undervalued (as we discovered in the watery review of our treasures over the weekend with the Moon in Pisces).  As it moves into early Aries this morning, it will strongly quincunx (150º) Venus retrograde; all that dredged up treasure and shadow reclaimed over the weekend has to heal to balance power and find courage to utilize your gifts; do not fear standing autonomously away from what held you under (your own self-sabotaging misuse of power or undervaluing yourself giving away your treasures).  That paradoxical angle (quincunx) will ease later today; while it is there, it may make you feel more emotionally triggered and anxious about what transpired in the last few days; hold to your truths and have courage (Aries-Moon resonates with Mother Kuan Yin’s Yellow Tiger Mother – see below); watch out for power plays, manipulations and misuse of strength in this emotionally triggering time; reach into your heart to find your truth that will guide you to stand for yourself while remaining compassionate and kind yet firmly defending your needs and correcting your own manipulations of power abuse.  

While the Moon works its way through Aries into Wednesday morning (7:33am MST Moon in Taurus begins), Uranus retrograde in Taurus is holding a longer timeline to shift these reclamation’s into empowerment.  Uranus has been building a stronger opposition to Venus as they both move ‘backwards’ from our perspective on earth sending energies of needing to revisit old patterns on the above issues (this is a longer transit that will climax twice on October 31 at 1:44am MST and again November 30).  Uranus opposing Venus (in Taurus – Venus’s own sign and Scorpio for Venus) is shaking us to emancipate from outworn networks (Uranus) and resurrect our sovereign (Scorpio) use of our values and resources (Venus and Taurus: money, relationship, sensuality, capacities).  That is allowing us to upgrade to a new vibration and cycle of personal power and self-sufficiency within upgraded collaborations in rightful exchanges of resources (on an individual and collective basis).  As the Moon begins to move out of Aries into Taurus in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, the Sun will ingress into Scorpio (4:22am MST that morning) deepening the urgency in the transition of self-empowerment and adjustment of use of autonomy (personal power) in all or relationships.  At the full Moon on Wednesday (9:45am MST, October 24, 2018), the luminaries will have been a few hours in Taurus (Moon) and in Scorpio (Sun).  This values-oriented alignment of the lights of our deepest treasures will shine on our flowering display of how our work in grounding our reclaimed treasures will paid off over the coming weeks.  Draw on the special energy below of Kuan Yin to build your voice and strength. 

Moon in Aries resonates with Hear the Yellow Tiger Mother#13 (Kuan Ying Oracle – Alana Fairchild)[1]  Hold to your own inner truths and remember you are a powerful being (like the Aries energy) that is nurtured and rooted (like the Moon energy) to Source the Divine Mother Kuan Yin. As the Yellow Tiger Mother, Kuan Yin roars to protect and guard your path that is aligned with your truth as you stand firm – ‘refusing to be dissuaded from your truth’.  Roar if you must to shine your light; it is not a time to surrender your power (like the Moon in Pisces may have washed upon you).  It is a time to rise out of the chaos, overwhelm and victimization that may have flooded you before to find your voice (your Roar) and align it with Kuan Yin’s divine power.  Like all power uses, check whether it is OVER used and abusing the rights of others in a bid for excess power.  Your truth, if aligned to the Truth of Source will not burn others.  Call on Kuan Yin to temper RIGHTFUL use of this potent power. Connect to the night sky (see below) to deepen your alignment to Source and balanced use of your courage, strength and creative potency.

Aligning Your Personal Roar to the Night Skies
Get out to commune with the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter (Venus is hidden by the Sun’s light now).  They are dancing through this realignment of resurrecting your power in rightful balance and use of your gifts.  Stand facing South with your right hand pointing where the Sun sat around 5:15PM MST / PDT. Friday you’ll find the Aries close to full Waxing Gibbous Moon (almost looks full) in the Southeast just above the horizon.  Higher, nearly at the top of the ecliptic path (under the “Capricornus’ label on the image above) is Mars in the middle degrees of Aquarius (red). You may be able to see Saturn in the early degrees of Capricorn high on the ecliptic to the right of Mars about 90 degrees to the right of the Moon (see a Square in the Sky!).  Jupiter with twinkle bright white just left of the red star Antares (both in Scorpio).  Mercury could be viewed potentially (not far from Jupiter); Pluto in Capricorn is between Mars and Saturn but even with a telescope we can’t see it in our own ‘backyard’; just know it’s up there helping to dredge up and realign self-sabotaging energies talked about above.  Tuesday will be a similar sky with the Moon further from Mars and Saturn as it is nearly full.  Saturday the Pisces Moon will be a bit fuller and further left of Mars.  Wednesday night you can celebrate the Full Moon as it rises at 6:11pm MST (it’s past the full moon by nearly 12 hours).  As you connect with these potent planets who are playing into the energies noted above, meditate on how they can help you stand in your courage to break the cycles of power-misuses to reclaim and utilize your treasures in fresh, creative and empowering ways.    

We can explore all these energies as they affect you personally in a reading with Angela Blissbridge. START YOUR JOURNEY TODAY

With all the blessings of my heart, may this facilitate CONNECTING THE DOTS TO A THRIVING YOU!  So Be It!

Angela Blissbridge is an Evolutionary Astrologer and healing facilitator.  See more about her at

#astrology #selfawareness #wellbeing #lifetips #zodiac #horoscopes #cosmicweather #growth #transformation #thrive   #aries moon #aries #moon #connectwiththestars #shamanicastrology #venusretrograde #scorpio #quincunx  #resurrecting #empowerment #selfworth #relationships #venus #retrograde

[1]Alana Fairchild has created a powerful set of oracle cards with her Kuan Yin Oracleis a beautifully illustrated by Zeng Hao. 

Friday, October 19, 2018

Moon in Pisces Watery Depths with Venus Retrograde - Connecting the Dots 2018-10-19



How’s Your Self Worth, Relationships and Money Flowing?  This weekend features Moon in Pisces connecting with Venus Retrograde, Mercury and Jupiter.  

Today the Moon enters Pisces (Oct 19, 2018 1:22pm MST) taking us into the watery depths of our emotions and intuition for the entire weekend (through Sunday Oct 21 at 11:58pm MST). Universal Truths and your own Inner Truth (and Guide) are readily accessible in these waters.  You may find a spike in your dreams with more mental-chatter about times of disempowerment; you are being offered clues to where you may reclaim fragments and treasures of your deepest Truths (and powers). Emotions may be running high as you plumb these oceans; allow them to cleanse and release you from toxic patterns.  Hold strong to your foundational values (the lines to those Truths) to gain power in exchanges with your reclaimed jewels at the helm; this brings up money and relationship issues (past and present).  You are being challenged to stand in your authority while staying in your heart on this inner dive; you will need meditation and connections to nature to keep from being submerged in depression and overwhelm (see more below). 

Sabian Symbol – Scorpio 7º.  Deep-Sea Divers with Special Machinery (Plumbing & Delving) 
Today we’re focusing on Venus’ position as she continues her retrograde motion down into the depths of her watery psyche in Scorpio in search of her treasures.  She has been intensely pushing us to find our truth of self-worth for empowerment.  This gives us healthy exchanges in relationships and connections to our money flow.  Deep-Sea Divers with Special Machinery (7º Scorpio) gives the special message to take the weekend’s wet dive to the deepest levels to get to the root cause of issues others cannot see; this journey requires ‘special equipment’ to ensure we don’t lose our breath or lose connection to dry land; it takes us to our unconscious patterns that have been sabotaging our relationships and access to money.  Meditations and breathing exercises are ‘machinery’ to guide this exploration. Drink lots of water to cleanse the toxins dredged out of the sludge at the bottom of the dives.

Caution:  With all this water in Scorpio and Pisces energies, escapism and depression can seep in and overwhelm quickly.  You may feel you cannot breath while submerged out-of-your-depth; the pressure may be too intense.  Psychological issues may amplify; seek talk-therapy, journal, explore your dreams, meditate, drink water and BREATH.  Walks in natural settings (probably away from the ocean!) can recalibrate your waters.  Connect to the night sky (see below).

Navigating the Depths – Connect with Dreams and Night Skies
In addition to the recommendations above for the deep-sea dive, connect to your dreams.  What answers are they offering?  Are they focused on finding a healing connecting to your own authority to bring relationships and money flowing into your life? Are they pointing to where your self-worth needs boosted? Are they bringing up old relationships? Journal your dreams and seek dream analysis if needed. 

Get out to commune with the Moon, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and maybe Venus (see image above).  At Sunset for a very brief time, you may glimpse Venus in the dusky Western horizon with Jupiter twinkling slightly left of her (away from the sunset); Venus is soon to go ‘in the Underworld’ as she will be invisible until after November 1st.   Until then, we still have Mars, Saturn and our lovely Moon to gaze at in the post-sunset skies. Stand facing South with your right hand pointing where the Sun sat around 5:30pm MST / PDT. Friday you’ll find the Pisces Waxing Gibbous Moon (shy of full) in the Southeast; a little to the right of the Moon a visible Mars in Aquarius (red).  You may be able to see Saturn in Capricorn beginning to set about 60 degrees to the right of the Moon (more in the Southwest or direct ‘in front’ of you). Saturday the Pisces Moon will be a bit fuller and further left of Mars.  Sunday the Pisces Moon will be further still to the left and approaching full; it is Full Moon on Wednesday morning in early Taurus.   As you connect with these potent planets who are playing into the energies noted above, meditate on how they can help you plumb the depths of reclaiming your treasures.  

We can explore all these energies as they affect you personally in a reading and/or dream analysis with Angela Blissbridge. START YOUR JOURNEY TODAY

With all the blessings of my heart, may this facilitate CONNECTING THE DOTS TO A THRIVING YOU!  So Be It!

Angela Blissbridge is an Evolutionary Astrologer and healing facilitator.  See more about her at